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Ti = Naming Conventions
0.sec = Cmacc has absolutely no "semantics" other than the equals sign for key=value and the ] and [ for specifying another file. You are therefore free to name things as you wish. We have, however, developed some patterns that seem sensible.
1.Ti = Folders
1.sec = Folders have a pattern best described at the top level of the file system.
2.Ti = Files
2.1.sec = Files are named in one of two ways: i) as a hash of the content of the file (theory only so far); or ii) as some short meaningful words where ideas are separated using underscores.
2.2.sec = The version is marked as "_v01." There can be a "current" version that has a version number of _0". A file that serves as a default for a folder can be named simply "0".
2.3.sec = Files normally have an extension of ".md", which stands for markdown. CommonAccord files are not in markdown, but this extension is handled well by GitHub.
2.4.sec = We use CamelCase for file names because that makes them easier to read. However, do not name two files the same thing except for the upper/lower case of one or more letters. Some computers (e.g., Macs) do not allow file names that are identical except for the case.
2. = [G/Z/ol/s4]
3.Ti = Keys
3.1.sec = Keys can contain almost any character. The exceptions are: i) an "equals" sign; ii) a }. They can contain spaces, but not a leading space or a trailing space. They are fully case sensitive so 1.sec is entirely different than 1.Sec.
3.2.sec = We use a period very often to separate levels of an idea. So Name.Full; Name.First; Name.Last. Or P1.CEO.Name.Full, where the P1. and the CEO. are provided by prefixes. This is merely a convention, the period has no significance, it is merely another character.
3.3.sec = There are a significant number of conventions for sections and parts of sections. These conventions are reinforced by there being widgets available for sections that allow the author to focus on the content and let the widget do the HTML to make the section structure.
3.4.sec = Similarly, there are conventions for party names, addresses and the like. We are less happy with these conventions, which we think are half-baked. Suggestions invited. But we do have some widgets that are very useful and based on these conventions.
3. = [G/Z/ol/s4]
= [G/Z/ol/3]