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(Sec = (Ti = Criteria)

(sec = (0.sec = We will ask them to determine whether projects are impactful, evidence-based, feasible, and durable.)
(xlist = (Olist =
  1. (Secs = (secs = (1.sec = Impactful is the goal of the competition. Does the proposal describe the urgent problem worth solving, and will the solution have a transformative impact? G/MacArthur100Change/Criteria/Impactful/0.md)
  2. (2.sec = The second criteria is evidence-based. We want to know, will the solution work? Does the proposal present evidence that the solution or critical components of it have previously yielded practical and concrete results? This is not a competition to test a new idea or theory. Does the evidence suggest that the solution can be adapted to other contexts, such as expanding to new populations or geographies, or to reach a greater number of people over time, and still retain its effectiveness? G/MacArthur100Change/Criteria/Evidence/0.md)
  3. (3.sec = The third criteria is feasible. When it comes to feasibility, the kinds of questions we want peers and wise heads to consider are: Does the team have the skills, capacity, relationships, and experience to deliver its proposal? G/MacArthur100Change/Criteria/Feasible/0.md)
  4. (4.sec = The last criteria, durable, is the one that sets 100&Change apart. If we were focused on solving a problem, we want the $100 million solution to have a sustained impact. G/MacArthur100Change/Criteria/Durable/0.md)


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