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Does the team have the skills, capacity, relationships, and experience to deliver its proposal? Do the budget and project plan represent a realistic understanding of a successful implementation of the solution? Does the proposal outline a mitigation plan for risks associated with changes in key personnel and political, market, or social environments?
ScoreUnrealistic to Feasible
0.1-0.9Failed to demonstrate a cohesive team with capabilities to deliver the proposed solution; presented an impractical budget and/or project plan; no mitigation plan for risks.
1.1-1.9Described a team with basic abilities but lacking in knowledge or training; offered an insufficient budget and/or project plan; minimal mitigation planning.
2.1-2.9Proposed a competent, qualified team with clear strengths; presented a realistic budget and project plan with sufficient attention to detail; adequate
3.1-3.9Presented a team of accomplished professionals with a record of success; budget and project plan were detailed, measurable, and cost effective; thorough mitigation planning.
4.1-5.0Led by an experienced team of qualified experts who have achieved remarkable results; budget and project plan grounded in past success; comprehensive mitigation planning.