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This doc suggests a canonical organization of folders in a repo. The emphasis is on "suggest"; this suggestion is certainly wrong, though it reflects a great deal of (one person's) experience. The basic notion is that we organize the top-level folders by function.
  1. Folder Organization
    Top level folders
  2. Kinds of Content
    A list of things that need to be tucked into folders:
    1. My transactions:
      Organized by names of parties?
    2. Terms
      1. Lawyers
      2. Companies, agencies and other participants
      3. Trade groups and bar groups
      4. Publishers
      5. CommonAccord
        1. Structure
        2. Shared Law
        3. Widgets
      6. CmA-like open source, including national
    3. Identities
      1. Individuals
      2. Legal persons and associations (with or without "legal personality")
      3. Roles
      4. Things (IoT)
      Perhaps everything is a Thing.
    4. Properties
      1. Wallets?
      2. RealEstate
      3. Vehicles
      4. Patents, Trademarks, etc.
      5. Lock Boxes
      6. IoTs
    5. Places
      1. Addresses
      2. GPS
CRUD - Operations on Files