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(Sec = (Ti = Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement)

(sec = (0.sec = This nondisclosure agreement is entered into by and between (P1.US.N,E,A = (P1.Name.Full = (P1.Name.Given = Acme)
(P1.Name.Inc = Incorporated)

, (P1.US.Personality.type.a = a (P1.ELF.Country.Sub.Name = Delaware)
(P1.ELF.Type.Name.Local = Corporation)

whose (P1.US.Adr.type = business)
address is (P1.US.Adr.1,2 = (P1.US.Adr.1 = (P1.Adr.Street.# = 75)
(P1.Adr.Street.Name = State Street)

, (P1.US.Adr.2 = (P1.Adr.City = Boston)
, (P1.Adr.ST = MA)
(P1.Adr.Zip = 02109)



("(P1.Handle = Party A)
") and (P2.US.N,E,A = (P2.Name.Full = (P2.Name.FL = (P2.Name.First = Solomon)
(P2.Name.Last = Shirley)


, (P2.US.Personality.type.a = an (P2.US.Personality.type = individual)

, whose address is (P2.US.Adr.1,2,3 = (P2.US.Adr.1 = (P2.Adr.Street.# = 332)
(P2.Adr.Street.Name = Main Street)

, (P2.US.Adr.2 = (P2.Adr.City = Waltham)
, (P2.Adr.ST = MA)
(P2.Adr.Zip = 02452)

, (P2.US.Adr.3 = (P2.Adr.Nation = United States of America)



("(P2.Handle = Party B)
"). )

(xlist = (Olist =
  1. (Secs = (1.Sec = (1.Ti = Confidential information)

    (1.sec = Confidential Information shall include all information learned or material generated between the two parties that is not publicly known at the time of disclosure or subsequently becomes publicly known through no action of either party.)

  2. (2.Sec = (2.Ti = Obligations)

    (2.sec = Both parties shall limit access to confidential information to employees, contractors, and third parties who contribute, or may contribute, to the business relationship. Both parties shall require their third parties to sign nondisclosure agreements using these same terms. Neither party shall disclose or use confidential information for any purpose other than to benefit the mutual business relationship.)

  3. (3.Sec = (3.Ti = Termination)

    (3.sec = (3.0.sec = )
    (3.xlist =
    1. (3.secs = (3.1.sec = This agreement shall last as long as both parties need to maintain confidential information, which may be long after the business relationship is terminated.)
    2. (3.2.sec = Upon termination of the business relationship, both parties shall promptly return to each other, or where this is not possible, destroy and delete all confidential information and to confirm this to each other via e-mail.)

    (3.00.sec = )


  4. (4.Sec = (4.Ti = Applicable law)

    (4.sec = This agreement and any dispute or claim arising hereunder shall be governed and interpreted by the laws of (Law.Nation = Switzerland)
    in exclusion of the law on conflicts and any international conventions applicable.)


  5. (5.Sec = (5.Ti = Jurisdiction)

    (5.sec = Both parties agree that the courts of (Law.Nation = Switzerland)
    shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising in connection with this agreement. )


  6. (6.Sec = (6.Ti = Modification)

    (6.sec = This agreement can’t be changed except in writing by both parties. )



(00.sec = Effective date: (EffectiveDate.YMD = 2017-08-04)

(P1.US.Contract.Among.Sec = (P1.US.Contract.Among.Block =
    (P1.US.Contract.Among.Name.sec = (P1.Name.Full = (P1.Name.Given = Acme)
    (P1.Name.Inc = Incorporated)


  • (P1.US.Contract.Among.ID.sec = (P1.US.Contract.Among.ELF.ID.sec = (P1.US.Personality.type.a = a (P1.ELF.Country.Sub.Name = Delaware)
    (P1.ELF.Type.Name.Local = Corporation)

    , (ELF Code: (P1.ELF.Code = XTIQ)
    ) registered (P1.US.Contract.Among.Register.cl = at (P1.US.Contract.Among.Register.Adr.City,State,Nation = (P1.Register.Adr.City = Wilmington)
    , (P1.Register.Adr.State = Delaware)
    , (P1.Register.Adr.Nation = United States of America)

    with the identity number (P1.Register.Account.# = 12345654321)



  • (P1.US.Contract.Among.Adr.sec = whose principal place of business is (P1.US.Adr.1,2,3 = (P1.US.Adr.1 = (P1.Adr.Street.# = 75)
    (P1.Adr.Street.Name = State Street)

    , (P1.US.Adr.2 = (P1.Adr.City = Boston)
    , (P1.Adr.ST = MA)
    (P1.Adr.Zip = 02109)

    , (P1.US.Adr.3 = (P1.Adr.Nation = United States of America)



  • (P1.US.Contract.Among.Agent.sec = represented by (P1.Signer.US.M/Ms_NameFull = Ms. (P1.Signer.Name.Full = (P1.Signer.Name.FL = (P1.Signer.Name.First = Abigail)
    (P1.Signer.Name.Last = Altima)



    , its (P1.Signer.Title = President)

  • (P1.US.Contract.Among.Handle.sec =
    herein referred to as "(P1.Handle = Party A)



(P1.US.Contract.By.SignBy = (P1.US.Contract.By.By: = By:)

(P1.xSignature = xAbigail-qwerty123456)

(P1.US.Contract.By.Name: = Name:)
(P1.Signer.Name.Full = (P1.Signer.Name.FL = (P1.Signer.Name.First = Abigail)
(P1.Signer.Name.Last = Altima)


(P1.US.Contract.By.Title: = Title:)
(P1.Signer.Title = President)

(P2.US.Contract.Among.Sec = (P2.US.Contract.Among.Block =
    (P2.US.Contract.Among.Name.sec = (P2.Name.Full = (P2.Name.FL = (P2.Name.First = Solomon)
    (P2.Name.Last = Shirley)



  • (P2.US.Contract.Among.ID.sec = an individual, born on (P2.Birth.YMD = 1974-03-04)
    at (P2.US.Contract.Among.Birth.Adr.City,State,Nation = (P2.Birth.Adr.City = Boston)
    , (P2.Birth.Adr.State = Massachusetts)
    , (P2.Birth.Adr.Nation = United States of America)

    a citizen of (P2.US.Citizen.nationality = American)
    whose profession is (P2.US.Work.profession = accountant)

  • (P2.US.Contract.Among.Adr.sec = residing at (P2.US.Adr.1,2,3 = (P2.US.Adr.1 = (P2.Adr.Street.# = 332)
    (P2.Adr.Street.Name = Main Street)

    , (P2.US.Adr.2 = (P2.Adr.City = Waltham)
    , (P2.Adr.ST = MA)
    (P2.Adr.Zip = 02452)

    , (P2.US.Adr.3 = (P2.Adr.Nation = United States of America)



  • (P2.US.Contract.Among.Agent.sec = )
  • (P2.US.Contract.Among.Handle.sec =
    herein referred to as "(P2.Handle = Party B)



(P2.US.Contract.By.SignBy =

(P2.xSignature = xSolomon-qwerty654321)


