  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=Def.9.sec): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
(DefT.Publish = (_Publish = Publish)

” means to make all or a subset of (_Data = Data)
(including (_Your = Your)
(_Enhanced_Data = Enhanced Data)
) available in any manner which enables its (_Use = Use)
, including by providing a copy on physical media or remote access. For any form of (_Entity = Entity)
, that is to make the (_Data = Data)
available to any individual who is not employed by that (_Entity = Entity)
or engaged as a contractor or agent to perform work on that (_Entity = Entity)
’s behalf. A “(DefT.Publication = (_Publication = Publication)

” occurs each time (_You = You)
(_Publish = Publish)
(_Data = Data)