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0.sec = We provide coverage up to a certain limit. Here is a quick overview of the limits you chose (and can {Policy.Coverage.Change.Link}).
1.sec = Damage or theft of your stuff, up to {Stuff.Total.$} in total, and {Stuff.PerItem.$} per item.
2.sec = Temporary living expenses if your home becomes unlivable, up to {LivingExpense.Total.$}.
3.sec = Damage to other people, up to {DamageOthers.Total.$}
= [G/Z/ol-bullet/s3]
Stuff.Total.$ = $10,000
Stuff.PerItem.$ = $2,500
LivingExpense.Total.$ = $2,500
DamageOthers.Total.$ = $100,000
Deductible.$ = $500
Deductible.ExampleTotal.$ = $7,000
Deductible.ExampleNet.$ = $6,500