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Ti = Optional Conversion at non-Qualified Financing
sec = In the event {Non-QualifiedFinancing.cl}, then {OptionDeciders.cl} shall have {OptionToConvert.cl}.
Non-QualifiedFinancing.cl = {CompanyIssuesEquity.cl}
CompanyIssuesEquity.cl = the Company consummates, {While.cl}, {RaisingLessThan.cl}
While.cl =
  1. {While.cl/Maturity}
  2. {While.cl/NoteOutstanding}
While.cl/Maturity = on or before the {_Maturity_Date}
While.cl/NoteOutstanding = while this {_Note} remains outstanding
RaisingLessThan.cl = an equity financing pursuant to which it sells shares of {_Preferred_Stock} in a transaction that does not constitute a {_Qualified_Financing}
OptionToConvert.cl = the option to treat such equity financing as a {_Qualified_Financing} on the same terms set forth herein.
OptionDeciders.cl/MajorityHolders = {_Majority_Holders}
OptionDeciders.cl/EachHolder = {_Holder}
= [G/Z/ol/Base]
// = The text was:
In the event the Company consummates, [on or before the Maturity Date][while this Note remains outstanding], an equity financing pursuant to which it sells shares of Preferred Stock in a transaction that does not constitute a Qualified Financing, then the [Majority Holders][Holder] shall have the option to treat such equity financing as a Qualified Financing on the same terms set forth herein. =