  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
Ti = Section
1.sec = The sections of a Contract (and many other documents) are an outline. An outline is sections, with the possibility of subsections, recursively. So the fundamental building block of an outline is a Section.
2.0.sec = Most Sections in legal documents can be understood as some combination of four parts: Title, Intro, a list of subsections, and an Extro (sorry). Many Sections are simpler than this, very few are more complicated. We have created a kit that builds this in the following way:
2.1.sec = A "Sec"={Ti}
2.2.sec = A "sec"={0.sec}
  1. {xlist}
2.3.sec = "0.sec" and "00.sec" if not used, default to the equivalent of nothing - =
2.4.sec = "xlist" defaults to
  1. {Secs}
, but can also be
  1. {Secs}
or , etc. It can also be overridden to look for title-less sections
  1. {secs}
or , etc.
2.5.sec = "Secs" is completed with a number of Sections, for instance: {1.Sec}
  • {2.Sec}. "secs" is completed with title-less sections: {1.sec}
  • {2.sec}.
  • 2.00.sec = The kit is not mandatory and not complete. It can be improved and expanded. Notably, 0.sec and 00.sec could be Intro.sec and Extro.sec, or something along those lines. At times, I have also experimented with "decorated" sections - for instance where each subsection ends with a ";" and the penultimate one ends with either "; and" or "; or", and the ultimate one ends with ".". You can also eliminate the numbering ("[Z/paras/..]" or run all the subsections into a single paragraph ("[Z/para/...]"). Widgets would also be useful for lists expressed as elements in a conventional sentence, e.g., "i) first; ii) second; and iii) third."
    2. = [G/Z/ol/s5]
    = [G/Z/ol/s2]
    Note = This File spells out some of the special characters, notably the { so that they are not evaluated. Editing on GitHub retains the spelled-out form. As usual, the GitHub interface is well-adapted.