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Ti = PolyForm Free Trial License 1.0.0
Note =
sec =
  1. {Accept.Sec}
  2. {License.Copyright.NoDistribute-LimitNewWork.Sec}
  3. {License.NewWork.Sec}
  4. {License.Patent.Sec}
  5. {License.FairUse.Sec}
  6. {License.FreeTrial.Sec}
  7. {License.ExcludedRights.Sec}
  8. {License.Termination.ForPatentClaim.Sec}
  9. {License.Termination.ForViolation.Sec}
  10. {LimitLiability.Sec}
  11. {Def.Sec}
Note = This breaks out "Software" from "Licensor" and uses the expanded "Affiliate" and "Control" text of the Shield license. The substance appears the same.
Def.sec = {Def.Base.sec}
= [G/Polyform-Licenses/Sec/CommonLibrary.md]