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1.sec = A {_Standard_Information_Sharing_Agreement} (SISA) provides a human and machine-readable framework to control personal data sharing between you and a {_Data_Custodian} that you grant permission to hold, control, or process, your data. It gives you, the Data {_Rights_Holder}, a way to manage personal data sharing across the Internet and to control exactly what each party can do with your information. It provides the {_Data_Custodian} with clear authority to process data as directed under the SISA and as expressed through the {_JLINC_protocol}.
2.sec = The {_Data_Custodian} hereby agrees to abide by the data sharing controls and permissions set by you, the Data {_Rights_Holder} using the {_JLINC_protocol} and as set out in the SISA. Where the {_Data_Custodian} has a legal or contractual obligation to process personal data outside the terms of this SISA, the {_Data_Custodian} will notify you of any activity at the first available opportunity.
3.sec = JLINC automatically generates a signed “SISA Event”, and holds a copy for you each time you change a data control instruction for personal data content, or permissions associated with personal data, communication preference, buying intent, or marketing consent.
4.sec = A digital proof of each SISA Event is also sent to an audit trail to verify compliance by the {_Data_Custodian} and establish their reputation under the SISA. Any unresolved violation of the terms of the SISA by a {_Data_Custodian} will be recorded on their public reputation. The audit trail is public and could also be cited in any complaint, litigation, or defense under applicable regulations.
5.sec = By signing this SISA you agree to share your data with the {_Data_Custodian} under your control using JLINC.
= [G/Z/ol/s5]