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= [G/OpenLaw.io/CopyrightLicense/Form/2.md]
Doc.GUID = Acme-Quake-001
Licensor. = [G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
Licensee. = [G/U/Who/quake_incorporated.md]
Effective Date = 2019-04-01
Description = rights to Ckrancky the Crypto-Kitty
License Purpose = promotion of a confence
Termination Date = 2019-12-31
License Fee = One Ether
Payment Due Date = 2019-04-30
Licensee Ethereum Address = 3896724y925y
Rep.sec = {Rep.EntityLicensee.sec}
Licensor.xSignature = xAbigail Altima
Licensor.Sign.YMD = 2019-03-29
Licensee.xSignature = xSolomon Shirley
Licensee.Sign.YMD = 2019-03-30
Smart Contract Address = 692675202
Governing Law = California, USA
Annex.sec =