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This node is a draft proposition to the "client." The client is assumeed to be corporate counsel - the chief legal officer of a corporation. =
Usual blurb about problems of contracting. Repetitive negotiation, suboptimal terms, expense of keeping up-to-date, inconsistencies among outside counsel, lack of integration with other systems. =
*Open-Sourced Legal Document Standardization* =
Solution: =
1. Use GitHub for collaboration on legal templates, involving communities of experts and continuous improvement. (Ready-made platform.) =
2. Use a document "source" format that allows efficient, transparent combinations of clauses into full documents. (Efficient reuse.) =
3. Encourage communities to share standards, including through standards organizations such as IS0, ALI-ELI, WorldCC, and model document projects of every stripe. (Go together, not alone.) =
4. Use standard coders' tools (Visual Studio Code) for heavy-duty collaboration. (Don't need to reinvent interfaces and methods.) =
5. Have an open API to allow use in any contract management system. (Interfade to existing systems.) =
6. Create a secretariat to provide technical support for the various communities. (Help crossing the chasm. Centre for Decentralised Law, OpenTrustFabric.org) =
Demos: =
Supporting Materials: =
Contacts: =