  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
Would it be attractive to corporate counsel if lawyers shared templates and collaborated like coders? Can we demo that through NDAs? To meet the challenge in steps: =
1. Can lawyers use the same platform as coders to do and share legal work? =
2. Getting on GitHub. Doing a pull-request. (First indication at SciencesPo is good.) =
3. Getting a local app (VS Code). Making some changes, doing a pull-request. =
4. Using modularity. A term sheet that references a form. A form that references its sections. A second draft that references the first draft. =
5. Structuring a (NDA) agreement - headings and parties, sections, defined terms, cross-references, annexes. =
6. Alternative use cases - making multiple NDAs from a single library. =
7. Ontologies - how do we refer to persons, places, things? =
8. Fit with automation - dual purpose parameters. =
9. Fit with data security - scaling without loss of privacy or security. =
10. Fit with NLP/AI/ML - using patterns to guide the user (and using patterns in legacy documents). =
11. (Because things that go up to 11 are better.) =
Something like that. =