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CodersNote = This is a placeholder for "Assets" - things that discussions can be about - the "things" involved. That is distinguished from the activities, purposes, plans between the parties. Assets as a label is a rough fit. The goal here is simply to point out the need for a general taxonomy for thingy-things.
= [G/NW-NDA/00/Form/Agt-Outline.md]
Def.Asset.Ti = Assets
Def.Asset.sec = "{_Assets}" include:
  1. {Def.Asset.IP.cl};
  2. {Def.Asset.Financial.cl};
  3. {Def.Asset.Tangible.cl};
  4. {Def.Asset.Real.cl};
  5. {Def.Asset.Data.cl};
  6. {Def.Asset.Right.cl}; and
  7. {Def.Asset.Plan.cl}.
Def.Asset.IP.cl = "{_IP_Assets}": {_Patents} and {_Patent_Applications}; {_Copyrights}; {_Trademarks}; {_Trade_Names}; {_Designations_of_Origin}; and similar intellectual property rights
Def.Asset.Financial.cl = "{_Financial_Assets}": {_Shares_in_Companies}; {_Bonds}; {_Derivatives}; {_Partnership_Interests}; ...
SubstantiveNote = See for instance the ACTUS paradigms.
Def.Asset.Tangible.cl = "{_Tangible_Assets}": {_Vehicles}; {_Machinery}; {_Manufactured_Goods};{_Materials}; {_Agricultural_Produce}; {_Food_Stuffs}; {_Prepared_Food} ....
Def.Asset.Real.cl = "{_Real_Assets}": {_Land}; {_Easements}; {_Fixtures}; ....
Def.Asset.Data.cl = "{_Data_Assets}": {_Data_Sets}; {_PII}; {_Medical_Data}; ....
Def.Asset.Right.cl = "{_Rights_Assets}": {_Entitlements}; {_Government_Permits}; {_Certifications}; {_Rights_Under_Contracts}; {_Causes_of_Action}; ....
Def.Asset.Plan.cl = "{_Plan_Assets}": {_Business_Plans}; {_Projections}; {_Drawings}; {_Diagrams}; ....
= [G/Z/ol/Base]
CodersNote = Examples of Defined Terms as Links. Notice the preference for singular targets organized hierarchically - Def.Asset.Right.cl, even as the defined term is plural and posed in normal English order of adjective-noun. In general, we think that terms should be defined in the singular, but both can be accommodated.
_Assets = Assets
_IP_Assets = IP Assets
_Financial_Assets = Financial Assets
_Tangible_Assets = Tangible Assets
_Real_Assets = Real Assets
__Assets = Assets
LawyersNote = This is not intended to imply that "data" is "property" or otherwise take a position on the correct characterization of data - the oil, toxic, etc. debate. It merely reflects that data can be collected and managed, treasured, protected, exploited.
_Data_Assets = Data Assets
_Rights_Assets = Rights Assets
_Plan_Assets = Plan Assets