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Ti = Section 2. Non-human Rights on Mars
1.Ti = Article 1: Animal Rights
1.1.0.sec = “Animals” refers to living organisms with sense organs and the ability to respond and interact with their environments:
1.1.1.sec = This definition does not include stem cells or lab-grown living organisms. These objects do not have a consciousness, so we do not presume them to be sentient in the way that animals are;
1.1.2.sec = If a conscious being is discovered that does not fit this definition of animal or new evidence suggests that a previously discovered being has consciousness, an ad-hoc mini-public will be called to consider amendments to this definition as organized by the governance standing mini-public;
1.1. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s2]
1.2.0.sec = Prior to making the conscious decision to bring animals to Mars, caretakers of such beings must register their actions with the executive body associated with the Environmental Policy standing mini-public. After registration, caretakers must receive approval from a sorted committee of Mars Logistical Life Planners, which will have been sorted by the first cohort of settlers prior to departure for Mars: = The sorted Mars Logistical Life Planners committee will be decided through the following process: = Subgroups of the initial Mars cohort set to travel will be created based on stratified sampling (see dimensions outlined in Section 1, Article 3), = Of these subgroups, sortition will be used to select 10 representatives for the Mars Logistical Life Planners committee;
1.2.1. = [G/Z/ol/s2] = The Mars Logistical Life Planners will approve of animal caretaker requests based on how necessary the beings are for the following purposes: = Mutually beneficial companionship, = Terraforming, = Geoforming;
1.2.2. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
1.2. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s2]
1.3.0.sec = All animals will be afforded basic decency in terms of treatment. “Basic decency” includes but is not limited to the following:
1.3.1.sec = Minimizing needless suffering caused to animals;
1.3.2.sec = Affording animals basic necessities including food, water, and shelter.
1.3. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s2]
1. = [G/Z/ol-II/s3]
2.Ti = Article 2: Rights of Nature
2.1.sec = Nature is defined as the system of living and nonliving organisms which interact to create ecosystems. It is distinguished from people, and its rights ought to be distinct as well;
2.2.sec = Nature has intrinsic value beyond its purposes for human-kind and beyond property;
2.3.sec = Nature has the right to exist. This means that all Martian policy must respect the rights of Nature in addition to those of its other beings.
2. = [G/Z/ol-II/s3]
= [G/Z/ol/2]