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Ti = Section 3: The Legislature
1.Ti = Article 1: Single-Issue Mini-Publics
1.1.sec = The Legislature shall consist of a set of mini-publics, hereby known as standing mini-publics, which have authority to create laws in a policy area corresponding to their jurisdiction;
1.2.0.sec = At the creation of this Constitution, six standing mini-publics shall exist:
1.2.1.sec = Foreign Policy and Earth and Interstellar Relations, tasked with reviewing the state of the societies relationships with other countries, planets, and societies. This may involve, but is not limited to, the creation of embassies, the proposal and evaluation of treaties, and the chartering of international or interstellar voyages,
1.2.2.sec = Social Policy and Welfare, tasked with creating policies to provide for the distribution of governmental resources and benefits. This may involve, but is not limited to, the creation of educational systems and standards, the creation of consumer protection standards, creation of labor regulations, and the creation of welfare programs designed to uplift members of society,
1.2.3.sec = Environmental Policy, tasked with protecting the environment and natural resources of the planet in accordance with the rights of humans and animals of this constitution. This may involve, but is not limited to, the regulation of industry, the preservation of land, and investment in programs which have the potential to improve the environment,
1.2.4.sec = Economic Policy, tasked with managing the fiscal, monetary, and economic situation of the country. This may include, but is not limited to, taxation, commerce regulations, and stimulus spending,
1.2.5.sec = Civil Rights, tasked with ensuring justice for all citizens regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other identity. This may include, but is not limited to regulation of the workplace or commerce to ensure equity, the regulation of the justice system, or the creation of programs to ensure tolerance,
1.2.6.sec = Governmental Oversight, tasked with overseeing the operations of government to ensure that it is following the principles of the constitution and of law. This includes the establishment of rules in mini-publics to ensure deliberation, the organization of new approved ad-hoc mini-publics, the oversight of the stratified sampling process, preventing judicial and executive overreach, and ensuring that the executive and judicial branch are diverse in background and demographics;
1.2. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s6]
1.3.0.sec = Members of standing mini-publics shall serve in two year terms:
1.3.1.sec = The initial term shall be split into a group with a one year term and a group with a two year term, both meeting the requirements for stratified sampling,
1.3.2.sec = Each year, a new class shall replace the outgoing class,
1.3.3.sec = Members of mini-publics whose terms will elapse at the same time are hereby known as legislative groups;
1.3. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s3]
1.4.sec = All citizens above the age of 16 are eligible to serve in mini-publics;
1.5.sec = Standing Mini-Publics shall consist of 250 individuals.
1. = [G/Z/ol-II/s5]
2.Ti = Article 2: Central Chamber
2.1.sec = The Central Chamber shall be composed of 1⁄5 (50 people) of the members from the standing mini-publics. However, the ad-hoc mini-publics can enter a process to become permanent and thus gain entry to the central chamber. At the time of this Constitution’s creation, the Central Chamber shall be composed of 300 members;
2.2.sec = The members in the Central Chamber shall be selected by stratified random sampling (see dimensions outlined in Section 1, Article 3) within each chamber;
2.3.sec = The Central Chamber is responsible for evaluating the policy proposals sent by the single-issue chambers. When evaluating policies, the Central Chamber’s main goal is to ensure coherence between different chambers on policy issues (for example, a carbon tax policy may need to be consistent across an Economic and Environmental chamber). The Central Chamber must also ensure that all policy proposals passed fit into its yearly budget;
2.4.sec = The Central Chamber may determine if a policy created by a mini-public is out of its scope; that is to say, it is not inside the policy area it’s been assigned to;
2.5.0.sec = The Central Chamber holds final veto power over policies proposed by the single-issue chambers.
2.5.1.sec = However, the citizens of Mars may serve as a check to the Central Chamber’s power: When the Central Chamber approves a policy, citizens may raise a popular initiative to propose an alternative law. When the Central Chamber denies a proposal, citizens may raise a referendum to vote on the passing on the law;
2.5. = [G/Z/ol/s1]
2.6.sec = The Central Chamber will determine the yearly Government budget.
2. = [G/Z/ol-II/s6]
3.Ti = Article 3: Selection
3.1.sec = All mini-public seats shall be filled by stratified random sampling;
3.2.sec = The governance committee shall conduct this sampling, and is responsible for reaching out to the selected members of the mini-public;
3.3.sec = The Governmental Oversight mini-public shall review the process of stratified sampling (see dimensions outlined in Section 1, Article 3) every five years to determine that the process is a) not corrupted or inaccurate and b) the stratified variables account for the population’s diversity. Furthermore, the government oversight mini-public shall review whether the method of outreach for the stratified sampling (i.e on the landline, mail, or Internet, etc.) is not inherently exclusionary and benefits one group;
3.4.0.sec = Once a citizen is selected by the sampling process, they must participate except for extraordinary circumstances:
3.4.1.sec = If citizens are not able to participate, they may petition their case to an Appeal committee. Certain urgent excuses such as pregnancy, recent childbirth (2 years or less), and serious illnesses will be automatically accepted upon receiving medical evidence.
3.4.2.sec = Other excuses – whether economic or personal – will be reviewed on a case by case basis,
3.4.3.sec = The Appeal committee will not take more than a month to respond to a citizen’s request.
3.4.4.sec = Citizenship entails participation in government, as such, citizens are urged to not appeal unless their circumstances forbid participation;
3.4.5.sec = If a citizen is unable to participate, they will fulfill some other mode of community engagement;
3.4.6.sec = Those participating will be paid among the 70th percentile of the national income.
3.4. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s6]
3. = [G/Z/ol-II/s4]
4.Ti = Article 4: Ad-Hoc Mini-Publics
4.1.sec = Citizens and groups reserve the right to propose the creation of a mini-public, henceforth known as an ad-hoc mini-public, which shall deliberate on a specific issue area set forth at the time that the ad-hoc mini-public is proposed;
4.2.sec = Ad-hoc mini-publics may cover any specific issue area, particularly those that intersect jurisdictions of standing mini-publics, reflect major conflicts in society, or reflect a major crisis;
4.3.0.sec = Declarations of intent for an ad-hoc mini-public may be initiated by anyone and must include:
4.3.1.sec = A description of the policy areas that the mini-public has the power to discuss,
4.3.2.sec = A specified duration of the mini-public which shall not be shorter than 1 Earth year;
4.3. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s2]
4.4.sec = Declarations of intent for the Ad-Hoc Mini-Public shall be processed by the executive body associated with the governmental oversight mini-public within 3 weeks of their submission and may not be denied for any reason except failure to provide the requisite information described in this section’s clause 2 sub clauses A and B;
4.5.sec = Following the processing of the declaration of intent for an ad-hoc mini-public, a proposal has 18 months to collect signatures of 3% of the population as determined by the census;
4.6.sec = Proposals for ad-hoc mini-publics that collect the necessary signatures are put to a referendum;
4.7.sec = If a proposal receives a majority in the popular vote the ad-hoc mini-public is created with organizational support from the Government Oversight standing mini-public and the executive body specified in the proposal for the ad hoc mini-public;
4.8.0.sec = Ad-hoc mini-publics with durations longer than three years must rotate members every two years:
4.8.1.sec = For ad-hoc mini-publics with rotating members, the first class of members shall be divided through stratified sampling as described in Article 3 into a group with one year terms and a group with two year terms,
4.8.2.sec = After one year, the members with a one-year term are replaced by stratified sampling,
4.8.3.sec = Each subsequent year, a new class replaces the outgoing members until the duration of the mini-public has elapsed;
4.8. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s3]
4. = [G/Z/ol-II/s8]
4.9.0.sec = Members of ad-hoc mini-publics may request additional time if a majority of the group agrees so
4.9.1.sec = Additional time is granted through a referendum;
4.9. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s1]
4.10.sec = Citizens may initiate popular initiatives to extend the time of ad-hoc mini-publics or to convert an ad-hoc mini-public to a standing mini-public through the same popular initiative process as was used to create the ad-hoc mini-public;
4.11.sec = All guidelines and rules which apply to standing mini-publics also apply to ad-hoc mini-publics.
4. = [G/Z/ol-II/s11]
5.Ti = Article 5: Popular Initiatives and Referendums
5.1.sec = Citizens and organized groups reserve the right to bring forth popular initiatives and referendums;
5.2.sec = Popular initiatives shall be used to create new ad-hoc mini-publics or to directly pass pieces of legislation. In order to put a popular initiative up to a national vote, the individual or organized group of interest must collect signatures in favor of the initiative from 3% of the broader populace. This threshold must be met within eighteen months of announcing the intent to propose the popular initiative. If this threshold is not met within the allotted time frame, the popular initiative will not be presented to the public for a vote. Popular initiatives need a simple majority in favor in order to pass;
5.3.sec = Referendums shall be used to veto legislation passed by the Central Chamber. In order to put a referendum up to a national vote, the individual or organized group of interest must collect signatures in favor of the referendum from 1% of the broader populace. This threshold must be met within 100 days of announcing the intent to propose the referendum. If this threshold is not met within the allotted time frame, the referendum will not be presented to the public for a vote, and the legislation passed by the Central Chamber will stand. Referendums need a simple majority in favor in order to pass;
5.4.sec = All petitions for popular initiatives and referendums that meet these aforementioned thresholds shall be made available in public spaces for citizens to read and sign.
5. = [G/Z/ol-II/s4]
6.Ti = Article 6: The Conduct of Mini-Publics and Role of Experts
6.1.sec = The Chamber on Governmental Oversight shall be tasked with creating the necessary rules and regulations which will ensure that all mini publics remain sufficiently inclusive, collaborative, and deliberative, without domination from particular individuals or groups;
6.2.sec = Experts ought to serve in advisory roles in the deliberative mini-publics. Their presence consists solely in presenting factual information and answering substantive questions about their relevant subject areas. The members of the mini-publics shall determine who is considered an expert and which experts ought to be called to present information to the body. In order to call an expert forward, 1⁄3 of the body must approve;
6.3.sec = Other non-expert groups shall also be permitted to testify in front of the mini-publics and advocate for their interests. In order to call non-expert interested parties forward, 1⁄3 of the body must approve. These groups shall be clearly distinguishable from experts.
6.4.sec = All mini-publics must have an open line for feedback that the members have a responsibility to continually read and consider in their deliberations.
6. = [G/Z/ol-II/s4]
= [G/Z/ol/6]