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Title = Abbreviations
Introduction.sec = This framework uses the following abbreviations.
UMA. = [G/Kantara/UMA-Text-CmA/Terminology/Abbreviation/UMA_0.md]
API. = [G/Kantara/UMA-Text-CmA/Terminology/Abbreviation/API_0.md]
PAT. = [G/Kantara/UMA-Text-CmA/Terminology/Abbreviation/PAT_0.md]
AAT. = [G/Kantara/UMA-Text-CmA/Terminology/Abbreviation/AAT_0.md]
RPT. = [G/Kantara/UMA-Text-CmA/Terminology/Abbreviation/RPT_0.md]
Text = {Introduction.sec}
Comments = Tokens are critical to managing authorization and auditing of resource access. Section 1.3 is recommended reading for understanding what the various tokens represent and how they are issued and used. The {RPT}, in particular, has a definition that can vary depending on the {RPT} profile in use; thus, any obligations in this framework that depend on an {RPT} profile specify it by name.
Issues = None Signaled
= [G/Kantara/UMA-Text-CmA/Z/Clause_0.md]