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Ti = Step Negotiations
1.sec = If a controversy or claim should arise, the parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement promptly by step negotiations between managers and executives of the parties who have authority to settle the controversy.
2.sec = If the controversy or claim cannot be resolved promptly by the representatives of
the parties at the operational level, then {P1.Level1.Manager.Name.Full} =
and {P2.Level1.Manager.Name.Full} will meet at least once and will attempt to resolve the matter. Either manager may request the other to meet within {Level1.MeetingWithin.Days}, at a mutually agreed time and place. =
/ = Level 1 select the middle level managers for each party
3.sec = If the matter has not been resolved within {Level1.ResolveWithin.Days} of their first meeting, the managers shall promptly prepare and exchange memoranda stating the issues in dispute and their position, summarizing the negotiations which have taken place and attaching relevant documents, and shall refer the matter to {P1.Level2.Manager.Name.Full} and {P2.Level2.Manager.Name.Full}, who shall have authority to settle the dispute. The senior executives will promptly meet for negotiations to attempt to settle the dispute.
4.sec = If the matter has not been resolved within {Level2.ResolveWithin.Days} from the referral of the dispute to senior executives, either party may refer the dispute to another dispute resolution procedure.
/ = Level2 select senior executives of each party
= [G/Z/ol/s4]