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Ti = ARTICLE 6 - Officers
1.Ti = Titles of Officers
1.1.0.sec = Officers of the Cooperative shall be:
1.1.1.sec = A President,
1.1.2.sec = A Secretary,
1.1.3.sec = A Chief Financial Officer, and
1.1.4.sec = Any other Officer with a title and duties determined by the Board
1.1. = [G/Z/ol-a/s4]
1.2.sec = The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Cooperative.
1.3.sec = One person may hold any number of offices, except the President and Secretary shall not be the same person.
1. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
[Explanatory Note: Section 12353(a) requires that a cooperative corporation have a Chairman of Board or President, a Secretary, and a Chief Financial Officer. One person can hold all three titles. The President (or chairperson) must be a Director elected by the Members. A cooperative corporation may create any other officer position, in addition to the three required positions. Officers need not be members of the co-op, they can be non-member employees.] =
2.Ti = Duties of Officers
2.1.0.sec = Officers’ duties include those duties:
2.1.1.sec = Prescribed by law,
2.1.2.sec = Granted by these Bylaws, and/or
2.1.3.sec = Granted by resolutions of the Board.
2.1. = [G/Z/ol-a/s3]
2.2.sec = The Secretary must ensure that the Cooperatives’ records and reports are properly kept and filed.
2.3.sec = The President shall take on the duties of the Secretary if the Secretary is unable or unwilling to do so.
2. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
[Explanatory Note: These provisions are governed by Code Section 12353(a).] =
3.Ti = Nomination and Election of Officers
3.1.sec = Any Member can nominate any Member, including himself/herself, for any office. Nominations shall take place at the Annual Member Meeting and at the preceding regular meeting.
3.2.sec = Officers shall then be elected at the Annual Member Meeting by written ballot, to serve one-year terms. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for an office shall be elected.
3. = [G/Z/ol/s2]
[Explanatory Note: The nomination and election of Officers is governed by Code Sections 12353(b).] =
4.Ti = Resignation or Removal of Officers
4.1.sec = Officers can be removed by a vote of the Board.
4.2.sec = Any Officer may resign at any time with written notice to the Cooperative.
4.3.sec = Vacancies shall be filled at the next Board meeting.
4. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
[Explanatory note: See Code Sections 12364(c) (resignation) and 12362(a)(1) (removal). Vacancies are to be filled [at the next meeting of the Board]. See Code Section 12364(a).] =
= [G/Z/ol/4]