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Ti = ARTICLE 5 – Decision-Making Process
1.Ti = Modified Consensus Decision-Making Process
1.1.sec = Matters will be discussed with the goal of reaching consensus.
1.2.sec = If consensus cannot be reached, Members will vote on whether the issue must be decided at the current meeting or can be tabled for future discussion.
1.3.sec = If at least three-fourths of the quorum believe that an immediate decision is needed, voting will be held on proposals regarding the issue.
1.4.sec = The proposals can then be carried by a three-fourths vote, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws.
1. = [G/Z/ol/s4]
= [G/Z/ol/1]
[Explanatory Note: Note that consensus-based decision-making is consistent with cooperative principles, however, there is no statutory requirement that cooperatives must use consensus-based decision-making. In some situations, it might make more sense to use a simple-majority or three-fourths vote. Cooperatives that use consensus-based decision-making may also wish to adopt a much more detailed set of processes and guidelines for how proposals will be made and considered. For a sample of a detailed consensus policy, see Tree Bressen’s Sample Consensus Process Policy at http://treegroup.info/topics/consensus-in-sharing-law.pdf] =