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# CooleyGo-NDA =
CooleyGo's NDA form as of 2021-01 =
CooleyGo has two forms of US NDAs, one Mutual and the other One-Way. We will treat them as a single repository and solution. =
These NDAs are also the base of the Agt-NDA-CmA solution, which is one of the most extensive demonstrations of Prose Objects. But we will start fresh here, assuring that we are working with a current CooleyGo version and making the steps of code-ification clear. =
1. We do the Mutual NDA. Put the Word document in /99/Original/. =
2. We modify the Word autonumbering to ease our conversion work. We make the section numbers in the format 3.1.sec = .
3. Then we select all from the Word doc, copy, create a new .md doc in @Code, paste in the copied text. /99/Original/... 01.md. =
4. Then we add the references to little widgets that will knit the document back together. The section widgets (G/Z/ol/s19) and the agreement frame (G/Agt-Form-CmA/US/Frame/0.md). We also rename the file so that there are no spaces in the name. The current rendering software insists that files not have any spaces in their names. (Good design decision?) =
5. Then we parameterize the blanks in the document - for party name and date of the agreement. We also make a form of Demo document with two parties - Acme and Quake. =
6. Then we parameterize the Defined Terms. Also break out the list of items included as Confidential Information. And give a few semantic names to items in the document. =
7. Renaming the form to add "Mutual" : Form_of_Non-Disclosure_Agreement_Mutual_01.md =