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Ti = Change log:
1.sec = September 18, 2013: Added that blog commenter email addresses are disclosed to administrators of the blog where the comment was left.
2.sec = February 1, 2011: Clarified subpoena language and added Business Transfers paragraph
3.sec = January 3, 2011: Added court order and subpoena clarification
4.sec = July 1, 2010: Revised paragraph about IP addresses to explain when they are collected and that commenter IPs are visible to blog administrators
5.sec = October 29, 2009: Added Comments paragraph to explain Akismet comment storage policy
6.sec = March 10, 2009: Added Ads paragraph to alert users that ads from third parties may use cookies
7.sec = February 18, 2015: Updated Creative Commons license from 2.5 to 4.0
= [G/Z/ol/s7]