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Ti = {Work.Title}
xlist = {Editor.sec}
  1. {Contribute.sec}
  2. {PublicationAgreement.sec}
  3. {ReferencingStyle.sec}
  4. {CorrectProofs.sec}
  5. {PublisherDiscretion.sec}
  6. {Rep-IP-Own.sec}
  7. {IP-Optain.sec}
  8. {Indemnify.sec}
  9. {IndemnifySurvive.sec}
  10. {RetainCopyright.sec}
  11. {MoralRight.sec}
  12. {AssignWork.sec}
  13. {MayPresentProfessionally.sec}
  14. {NotCompetePublish.sec}
  15. {NotPublicPublish.sec}
  16. {OneFreeCopy.sec}
  17. {Bind.sec}
Editor.sec = {Editor.All,and}
Contribute.sec = I the undersigned hereby agree to contribute to the above entitled Work.
PublicationAgreement.sec = It is acknowledged that the Work’s Editor (hereafter referred to as ‘the Editor’) may enter into an Agreement with {Publisher.Name.Full} (hereafter referred to as the ‘Publisher’) granting them the right to print, publish and market and sell the Work that is the subject of this Agreement, and to exercise any and all rights of whatsoever nature as may be agreed upon between the Editor and the Publisher.
ReferencingStyle.sec = I agree to adhere to the referencing style chosen for the Work by the Editor.
CorrectProofs.sec = I agree to read and correct proofs or the draft camera-ready copy of my contribution when it is submitted to me and promptly to return it to the Editor.
PublisherDiscretion.sec = It is acknowledged that the Publisher may publish the Work at its own expense and in such style and manner and at such price as it deems best suited to the sale thereof. In addition, it may make the manuscript conform to a style of punctuation, spelling and capitalisation and usage as it deems appropriate. The Publisher, as its respective interests may appear, shall have all rights in connection with all subsequent editions as it is entitled to in the original edition of the Work.
Rep-IP-Own.sec = I warrant and represent that I am the sole owner of my contributions to the Work and of all rights granted, and have full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement; that my contributions to the Work are original with me; and that said contributions to the Work are not a violation of any copyright, proprietary or personal right; that I have not in any manner granted, assigned, encumbered or disposed of any of the rights herein granted to the Editor, or any rights adverse to or inconsistent therewith; that there are no rights outstanding which would diminish, encumber or impair the full enjoyment or exercise of the rights herein granted to the Editor; that no part of my contributions to the Work are libellous, obscene or unlawful or violate any right of privacy.
IP-Optain.sec = I agree to obtain from the owners of any material in which the copyright is not my own written permission for the use of such material in all forms, including printed and electronic. The written record of all transactions and agreements regarding copyright permissions will be maintained in good order and will be made available to the Publisher and the Editor upon request.
Indemnify.sec = I agree to indemnify and hold the Editor harmless against any claims, demands, suit or action, proceeding, recovery or expense of any nature whatsoever arising from any claim or infringement of copyright or proprietary right or from claims of libel, obscenity, unlawfulness or invasion or privacy based upon or arising out of any manner or thing contained in my contributions to the Work or from any breach of Warranties and representations herein contained.
IndemnifySurvive.sec = The warranties, representations and indemnities shall survive the termination of the Agreement.
RetainCopyright.sec = It is acknowledged that I shall retain full copyright in my contribution, and that the copyright notice imprinted in the Work shall make this clear.
MoralRight.sec = I assert to the Publisher and to its licensees, the moral right to be identified in the Work as the author of the contribution, in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988
AssignWork.sec = I hereby assign to the Editor and to the Publisher the exclusive right and licence to publish the contribution, in whole, within and without the Work in all editions forms and media in the English language and in any translation without limitation.
MayPresentProfessionally.sec = It is acknowledged that I shall be entitled to use material written or compiled for the purposes of the Work in articles submitted to learned or professional journals, in papers presented at professional conferences and for professional purposes generally, provided that the I so advise the Publisher in advance and make appropriate acknowledgement to the Work and to the Publisher. I understand that I may make use of my own contribution from this Work, without charge, in any volume that subsequently appears over my name as sole or principal contributing author or editor, provided that permission is sought from the Publisher, such permission not unreasonably to be withheld.
NotCompetePublish.sec = I agree, however, that I shall not re-use the material in my contribution in any work that is deemed by the Publisher to be directly competitive to the work. “Competitive” means, for the sake of this Agreement, a work similar in organisation, theme, content and intended audience.
NotPublicPublish.sec = I understand that at no stage is the final published version of my contribution (version of record) permitted to be posted online on commercial or free public servers, in institutional repositories, or any other such site with public access.
OneFreeCopy.sec = I understand that the Publisher will send me one complimentary copy of the Work on publication, and that I can purchase further copies at an author discount of 50 per cent off the published price.
Bind.sec = This Agreement shall bind and inure to our respective successors and assigns and to my heirs, executors and legal representatives.
AuthorSign.1.sec = Yours very truly
AuthorSign.2.sec = THE CONTRIBUTOR
AuthorSign.3.sec = _________________________________
AuthorSign.4.sec = {Author.Name.Full}
AuthorSign. = [G/Z/paras/s4]
= [G/Z/Base]