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Note = The sections are organized into four top-level headings, following the Deal/Def/Relate/Misc pattern of most interesting to most background. "Why" is the recitals introduction. Here the "deal" is confidentiality, a subject that would often appear as part of Relate. First the links to the sections, then the list of the sections, then some mechanics for linking cross-references and the like.
Why. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Why/0.md]
Relate.Conf. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Relate/Conf/0.md]
Def. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Def/0.md]
Relate. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Relate/0.md]
Misc. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Misc/0.md]
_ = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/DefinedTerm/0.md]
= [G/AgtForm/US/Frame/2Parties/0.md] this specifies the parties.
sec =
  1. {Deal.Sec}
  2. {Def.Sec}
  3. {Relate.Sec}
  4. {Misc.Sec}
Deal.Sec = {Relate.Conf.Sec}
Relate.Conf.Xnum = 1
Deal.Xnum = 1
Def.Xnum = 2
Relate.Xnum = 3
Misc.Xnum = 4
Relate.Conf.SecName = Relate.Conf
This.sec = {This.sec/2-NotTarget}
Among.Def.sec = {Among.Def.sec/NotTarget}
Def.SecName = Def
Relate.SecName = Relate
Misc.SecName = Misc
xSignature = ________________________
Sign.YMD = ________________________
/Note = Oxford comma.
q = ,
PageBreak =
// = Defaulting to no Annex. If you need an Annex, write: "Annex.Div=
{Annex}" and you'll get some framing for annexes.
Annex.Div =
Doc.Mutual.Ti = Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement
Doc.P1-to-P2.Ti = One-Way Confidentiality Agreement Protecting {_P1}'s {_Confidential_Information}
Doc.P2-to-P1.Ti = One-Way Confidentiality Agreement Protecting {_P2}'s {_Confidential_Information}