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Ti = Project Assignment {ProjectAssignment.#} under Consulting Agreement
0.1.sec = DATED: {Project.EffectiveDate.YMD}
0.2.sec = PROJECT: {Project.Name}
0.3.sec = {_P2} shall render such services as {_P1} may from time to time request, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing:
0.sec = {0.1.sec}


1.Ti = Schedule of Work
1.sec = The work will commence on {Project.Work.Begin.YMD}, and shall be completed by {Project.Work.End.YMD}.
2.Ti = Fees and Reimbursement
2.1.sec = Fee: {Project.HourlyRate.$} per hour.
2.2.sec = Reimbursement for the following, as approved in advance by {_P1}:
2.2.1.sec = Outside services at cost:
2.2.2.sec = Direct charges at cost:
2.2.3.sec = Travel and subsistence at cost:
2.2. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
2. = [G/Z/ol/s2]
3.Ti = Invoicing
3.sec = {_P2} shall invoice {_P1} monthly for services and expenses and shall provide such reasonable receipts or other documentation of expenses as {_P1} might request, including copies of time records.
4.Ti = Payment
4.sec = Payment terms are net thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice. {_P1} will be invoiced on the first day of each month for services rendered and expenses incurred during the previous month.
5.Ti = Maximum Chargeable
5.sec = Maximum chargeable by {_P2} on this {_Project_Assignment}, including all items in Section 2 above, is {Project.Maximum.$}.
00.sec = {00.1.sec}


00.1.sec = IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this {_Project_Assignment} as of the date first written above.
00.2.sec = {P1.Sign.Block}
00.3.sec = {P2.Sign.Block}
= [G/Z/ol/5]
DocBody = {Doc}