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Ti = Oh, wait, there’s more coverage where this came from…
Weather.Ti = Add Bad Weather Package
Weather.sec = You can add coverage for damages caused by hail, snow, wind, and heavy rains. Add our bad weather coverage.
Weather. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
E-Device.Ti = Add Electronic Devices Package
E-Device.sec = Our phones, laptops, and iPads have become an integral part of our lives, but they’re easily damaged. We offer a special coverage to protect those devices against things like spilled coffee, falling, and shattering, etc. Add complete device coverage).
E-Device. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Earthquake.Ti = Add Earthquake Package
Earthquake.sec = We provide additional coverage against earthquakes that damage your stuff. (Add earthquake coverage).
Earthquake. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Sewage.Ti = Add Water Backup Package
Sewage.sec = It turns out sewage systems sometimes get disoriented and back up into your apartment (yuck). We provide coverage for this unfortunate situation as well. Add water backup coverage.
Sewage. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Carless.Ti = Add Non-Owner Automobile Package
Carless.sec = Have a driver’s license but no car? Add non-owner automobile coverage) and we’ll cover damage or injury caused to you, others, your vehicle, or others’ vehicle(s) if you are involved in an accident while driving a rented or borrowed car.
Carless. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
More.Ti = And more...
More.sec = See a complete list of additional coverages on offer, and sign up for notifications when more become available.
More. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
sec =
  1. {Weather.Sec}
  2. {E-Device.Sec}
  3. {Earthquake.Sec}
  4. {Sewage.Sec}
  5. {Carless.Sec}
  6. {More.Sec}
= [G/Z/ol/Base]