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# User Story =
As a corporate lawyer in Tech, I want to craft NDAs that leverage prose objects, so that I can ensure: =
- consistency, =
- reusability, =
- expedited turn around =
for repeated requests =
As a corporate lawyer, I want NDAs that can be self-served by company agents so that legal is not a bottle neck unnecessarily. =
As a corporate lawyer in Tech, I want to protect IP assignments and filing strategies. =
As a corporate lawyer receiving an NDA, I want legible and clear data handling requirements so that we incur less risk. =
As a corporate lawyer sending an NDA, I want legible and clear data handling requirements so that I have less counterparty risk. =
As a corporate lawyer dealing with an NDA, I want data handling requirements to be easier to automate. =
As a corporate lawyer, I want to use legal clauses that have been hardened by public review so that I can reduce risk in legal strategy =
As a counterparty to an NDA, I want legal clauses that have been hardened by public review so that: =
- I have resources for evaluating the terms =
- public expectations are set around acceptable, non-abusive terms =
RE: Stanford vs Roche =
## Acceptance Criteria =
- Can create and use formats, templates =
- Could assign legal performance and results at prose object level =
- Can set up automation processes on: =
- prose objects, =
- documents, and =
- document portfolios =
- “Playbooks” set of internal contract goals, sorted by pre-approval or needs approval =
- Editing + approval process when system has no pre-existing internal legal guidance, prose object, or defined dictionary =
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# User Story Format: =
As a x, I want y, so that z. =
Acceptance Criteria =
- Given (state condition), then (expected result) =