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Published under Creative Commons License: CC BY 4.0 - From ContractForTheWeb.org =
Principle.Head = Principle 4
Ti = Make the internet affordable and accessible to everyone
0.sec = So that no one is excluded from using and shaping the Web
1.Ti = By crafting policies that address the needs of systematically excluded groups
1.1.sec = Designing gender responsive and inclusive data plans targeting women and other systematically excluded groups.
1.2.sec = Supporting the development of community networks, particularly in unserved and underserved areas.
1.3.sec = Ensuring user interfaces and customer service are effective, and offered in languages and mediums that are accessible to minorities and people with disabilities, including by respecting universal acceptance principles.
1. = [G/Z/ol-a/s3]
2.Ti = By working towards an ever-increasing quality of service
2.1.sec = Documenting and publishing their investments and best efforts approach towards ensuring the speed, reliability and performance of their networks.
2.2.sec = Adopting network neutrality guidelines that ensure citizens enjoy an open, unrestricted and non-discriminatory Internet experience through which they can be not only consumers, but creators and innovators.
2.3.sec = Making progress towards symmetric upload/download speeds to facilitate the work of online creators and the use of interactive applications.
2. = [G/Z/ol-a/s3]
= [G/ContractForTheWeb/Form/Z/0.md]
= [G/Z/ol/2]