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Ti = Attorneys' Fees
EachBearOwn.sec = In the event any {_Legal_Proceeding} is brought in respect of {_this_Agreement} or any of the documents referred to in {_this_Agreement}, each of the {_parties} will bear its attorneys' fees and other costs incurred in such {_Legal_Proceeding}, except as may be specifically decided by the {_Tribunal}.
LoserBearsAll.sec = In the event any {_Legal_Proceeding} is brought in respect of {_this_Agreement} or any of the documents referred to in {_this_Agreement}, the prevailing {_party} will be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs incurred in such {_Legal_Proceeding}, in addition to any relief to which such {_party} may be entitled.
Alt1.sec = {EachBearOwn.sec}
Alt2.sec = {LoserBearsAll.sec}
= [G/Z/Alt/2]