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/Note = use with Sec/NDA_Sec_Engage.md
Ti = Access
// = Some full sections:
Entity-Employees-NeedToKnow-Sign.sec = {Limit.Cl} {Role.EmpsAndReps.cl}{Cond.NeedKnow-Sign.cl}.
Entity-EODLA-Know-Sign-Form.sec = {Limit.Cl} {Role.EmpsOffDirLawAcct.cl}{Cond.NeedKnow-Sign-AsRestrictive-Form.cl}.
// = Components:
Alt1.sec = {HumanSolely.sec}
Alt2.sec = {Entity.sec}
HumanSolely.sec = {_Receiving_Party} is an individual and will not permit any other person to have access to {_Confidential_Information} of {_Disclosing_Party}.
Entity.sec = {Limit.Cl} {Role.sec}{Cond.sec}.
Limit.Cl = {_Receiving_Party} will limit access to {_Confidential_Information} of {_Disclosing_Party} only to
Role.Alt1.sec = {PersonList.cl}
Role.Alt2.sec = {Role.EmpsAndReps.cl}
Role.Alt3.sec = {Role.EmpsOffDirLawAcct.cl}
Role.EmpsAndReps.cl = those of {_Receiving_Party}'s employees or authorized representatives
Role.EmpsOffDirLawAcct.cl = those of {_Receiving_Party}'s employees, officers, directors, lawyers{q} and accountants
Role. = [G/Z/Alt/3]
Role.SecName = {SecName}.Role
Cond.Alt1.sec = {Cond.NeedKnow.cl}
Cond.Alt2.sec = {Cond.NeedKnow-Sign.cl}
Cond.Alt3.sec = {Cond.NeedKnow-Sign-AsRestrictive.cl}
Cond.Alt4.sec = {Cond.NeedKnow-Sign-AsRestrictive-Form.cl}
Cond. = [G/Z/Alt/4]
Cond.SecName = {SecName}.Cond
Cond.NeedKnow-Sign.cl = {Cond.NeedKnow.cl} and {Condition.Signed.cl}
Cond.NeedKnow-Sign-AsRestrictive.cl = {Cond.NeedKnow.cl} and {Condition.Signed.cl} with {Condition.AsRestrictive.cl}
Cond.NeedKnow-Sign-AsRestrictive-Form.cl = {Cond.NeedKnow.cl} and {Condition.Signed.cl} with {Condition.AsRestrictive.cl} {Condition.ApprovedForm.cl}
Cond.NeedKnow.cl = who have a need to know
Condition.Signed.cl = who have signed confidentiality agreements
Condition.AsRestrictive.cl = confidentiality obligations at least as restrictive as those contained in {_this_Agreement}
Condition.ApprovedForm.cl = in a form approved in advance by {_Disclosing_Party}
= [G/Z/Alt/2]