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Ti = Entire Agreement
Alt1.sec = {Simple.sec}
Alt2.sec = {AnticipateAdditionalAgreements.sec}
Alt3.sec = {Consult.sec}
Simple.sec = {_This_Agreement} is the final, complete{q} and exclusive agreement of the {_parties} with respect to the subject matters hereof and supersedes and merges all prior discussions between the {_parties} with respect to such matters.
AnticipateAdditionalAgreements.sec = {Simple.sec} {AdditionalAgreements.sec}
AdditionalAgreements.sec = The {_parties} anticipate entering into additional agreements. {_This_Agreement} will remain in force unless and until expressly superceded by another agreement of at least equal formality signed by all of the {_parties}.
Consult.sec = {Simple.sec} {ProjectAssignment.sec}
ProjectAssignment.sec = The terms of {_this_Agreement} will govern all services undertaken by {_P2} for {_P1}; provided, however, that in the event of any conflict between the terms of {_this_Agreement} and any {_Project_Assignment}, the terms of the applicable {_Project_Assignment} will control.
= [G/Z/Alt/3]