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# PolyForm Free Trial License 1.0.0 =
class='definedterm'> =
## Acceptance =
In order to get any license under these terms, you must agree =
to them as both strict obligations and conditions to all =
your licenses. =
## Copyright License =
The licensor grants you a copyright license for the software =
to do everything you might do with the software that would =
otherwise infringe the licensor's copyright in it for any =
permitted purpose. However, you may only make changes or =
new works based on the software according to [Changes and New =
Works License](#changes-and-new-works-license), and you may =
not distribute copies of the software. =
## Changes and New Works License =
The licensor grants you an additional copyright license to =
make changes and new works based on the software for any =
permitted purpose. =
## Patent License =
The licensor grants you a patent license for the software that =
covers patent claims the licensor can license, or becomes able =
to license, that you would infringe by using the software. =
## Fair Use =
You may have "fair use" rights for the software under the =
law. These terms do not limit them. =
## Free Trial =
Use to evaluate whether the software suits a particular =
application for less than {FreeTrial.Period.days}, on =
behalf of you or your company, is use for a permitted purpose. =
## No Other Rights =
These terms do not allow you to sublicense or transfer any of =
your licenses to anyone else, or prevent the licensor from =
granting licenses to anyone else. These terms do not imply =
any other licenses. =
## Patent Defense =
If you make any written claim that the software infringes or =
contributes to infringement of any patent, your patent license =
for the software granted under these terms ends immediately. If =
your company makes such a claim, your patent license ends =
immediately for work on behalf of your company. =
## Violations =
If you violate any of these terms, or do anything with the =
software not covered by your licenses, all your licenses =
end immediately. =
## No Liability =
***As far as the law allows, the software comes as is, without =
any warranty or condition, and the licensor will not be liable =
to you for any damages arising out of these terms or the use =
or nature of the software, under any kind of legal claim.*** =
## Definitions =
The **licensor** is the individual or entity offering these =
terms, and the **software** is the software the licensor makes =
available under these terms. =
**You** refers to the individual or entity agreeing to these =
terms. =
**Your company** is any legal entity, sole proprietorship, =
or other kind of organization that you work for, plus all =
organizations that have control over, are under the control of, =
or are under common control with that organization. **Control** =
means ownership of substantially all the assets of an entity, =
or the power to direct its management and policies by vote, =
contract, or otherwise. Control can be direct or indirect. =
**Your licenses** are all the licenses granted to you for the =
software under these terms. =
**Use** means anything you do with the software requiring one =
of your licenses. =