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CodersNote = This is the "original" version of the delegation_letter.md, published at /a16z/crypto-governance on 2021-08-25. We have given semantic names to the elements in the Term section, but it reassembles into the same text as the original.
Ti = Term and Termination
InitialTerm.sec = The initial term of this {_Agreement} shall be {Term.Initial.Months.#} months from the {_Effective_Date} (the "{DefT.Initial_Term}").
TacitRenewal.sec = Thereafter this {_Agreement} shall automatically renew for successive {Term.Extension.Automatic.Months.#} month periods (each, a "{DefT.Renewal_Term}" and together with the {_Initial_Term}, the "{DefT.Term}"), provided that neither party has notified the other party in writing at least {Term.Extension.BilateralNoticeToCancel.Days.#} days prior to expiration of such {_Term} that it wishes to not renew the {_Agreement}, in which case the {_Agreement} will terminate at the end of such {_Term}.
Termination.SectionsSurviving.sec = Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sections {Liability.Xnum}, {IP.Xnum}, {Law.Xnum}, and {Notice.Xnum} shall survive any termination of this {_Agreement}.
Terminate.ByTokenholder.ForCause.sec = {_Tokenholder} may only terminate this {_Agreement} prior to the expiration of the {_Term} in the event that {_Delegate} materially fails to satisfy its {_Protocol} governance duties described in Section {Participate.Xnum} herein, including, without limitation, continued non-participation in material votes, and does not cure such breach within {Term.Termination.TokenholderForCause.Notice.Days.#} days.
Terminate.ByDelegate.AtWill.sec = {_Delegate} may terminate this {_Agreement} for any reason or no reason, upon providing {Term.Termination.DelegateAtWill.Notice.Months.#} month's written notice to {_Tokenholder}.
Termination.EffectOf.sec = Following the termination or non-renewal of this {_Agreement} by either party, {_Tokenholder} will revoke the {_Delegated_Portion} in full. In such case, {_Delegate} shall provide any assistance reasonably requested by {_Tokenholder} for the purpose of revoking and returning the {_Delegated_Portion} and terminating this {_Agreement}.
sec =
  1. {InitialTerm.Sec}
  2. {TacitRenewal.Sec}
  3. {Terminate.ByTokenholder.ForCause.Sec}
  4. {Terminate.ByDelegate.AtWill.Sec}
  5. {Termination.EffectOf.Sec}
  6. {Termination.SectionsSurviving.Sec}
= [G/Z/Base]
InitialTerm.Ti = Initial Term
InitialTerm. = [G/Z/Base]
TacitRenewal.Ti = Automatic Renewal
TacitRenewal. = [G/Z/Base]
Terminate.ByTokenholder.ForCause.Ti = Termination by Tokenholder for Cause
Terminate.ByTokenholder.ForCause. = [G/Z/Base]
Terminate.ByDelegate.AtWill.Ti = At Will Termination by Delegate
Terminate.ByDelegate.AtWill. = [G/Z/Base]
Termination.EffectOf.Ti = Revocation Following Termination
Termination.EffectOf. = [G/Z/Base]
Termination.SectionsSurviving.Ti = Sections of this Agreement Surviving Termination
Termination.SectionsSurviving. = [G/Z/Base]