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Ti = Use of Services
PoliciesAndApplicableLaw.sec = {_Customer} represents, covenants, and warrants that {_Customer} will use the {_Services} only in compliance with {_Company}'s standard published policies then in effect (the "{DefT.Supplier_Policy}") and all applicable laws and regulations.
Indemnify. = [G/YCombinator-SaaS/Sec/Remedy/Indemnity/Customer-to-Company/0.md]
Monitoring.sec = Although {_Company} has no obligation to monitor {_Customer}'s use of the {_Services}, {_Company} may do so and may prohibit any use of the {_Services} it believes may be (or alleged to be) in violation of the foregoing.
sec = {PoliciesAndApplicableLaw.sec} {Indemnify.sec} {Monitoring.sec}
= [G/Z/Base]