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Ti = {_P1} Property
xlist =
  1. {Reserve.Sec}
  2. {Assign.Sec}
Reserve.Sec = {_P2} acknowledges that {_P1} claims and reserves all rights and benefits afforded under federal and international intellectual property laws in all {_Intellectual_Property} and {_Proprietary_Information} furnished by {_P1} to {_P2} hereunder and that {_P2} is granted only a limited right of use of such {_Intellectual_Property} and {_Proprietary_Information} as set forth in {_this_Agreement}.
Assign.Sec = Assignment and Recordation of {_Company_Property}.  {_P2} agrees that:
  1. {Assign.WorkForHire.Sec};
  2. {Assign.Grant.Sec};
  3. {Assign.Further.Sec}: and
  4. {Assign.NotRegister.Sec}.
Assign.WorkForHire.Sec = All copyrightable {_Intellectual_Property}, which are created by {_P2} pursuant to {_this_Agreement}, shall be deemed "Works Made for Hire", as that phrase is defined in Section 101 of the United States Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 101, and used in 17 U.S.C. § 201, on behalf of {_P1}, and {_P1} shall own all right, title and interest, including the worldwide copyright, in and to such materials
Assign.Grant.Sec = {_P2} hereby assigns and agrees to assign to {_P1} all of its respective rights, title, and interest in {_Company_Property}, including all {_IP_Rights}.
Assign.Further.Sec = {_P2} and {_P2}'s successors in interest will, at {_P1}'s request and without further consideration, communicate to {_P1} any facts known to them respecting {_Company_Property}, and testify in any legal proceedings, make all rightful oaths, sign all lawful papers and other instruments and generally do everything possible for title to the {_IP_Rights} in the {_Company_Property} to be clearly and exclusively held by {_P1}
Assign.NotRegister.Sec = {_P2} agrees that it will not apply for any state, federal or other U.S. or foreign jurisdiction's registration of rights in any of the {_Company_Property} and that it will not oppose or object in any way to applications for registration of same by {_P1} or others designated by {_P1}
= [G/Z/Base]