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Ti = Indemnification
1.Ti = Indemnification by {_P2}
1.0.sec = The {_P2} shall indemnify the {_P1} against all losses and expenses arising out of any proceeding:
1.1.sec = brought by either a third party or the {_P1}; and
1.2.sec = that arises out of any breach by the {_P2} of its obligations, representations, warranties, or covenants under this agreement.
1. = [G/Z/ol-a/s2]
1.xlist =
  1. {1.secs}
2.Ti = Mutual Indemnification
2.0.sec = Each party (as an "{_Indemnifying_Party}") shall indemnify the other (as an "{_Indemnified_Party}") against all losses arising out of any proceeding:
2.1.sec = brought by either a third party or an {_Indemnified_Party}; and
2.2.sec = that arises out of the {_Indemnifying_Party}'s willful misconduct or gross negligence.
2. = [G/Z/ol-a/s2]
2.xlist =
  1. {2.secs}
= [G/Z/ol/2]
xlist =
  1. {Secs}