  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
Visual Studio Code: =
I'm writing and managing using only VSCode and finding it works well for me. I suggest we test whether this works for everyone else. =
The basic editing is fine, excellent. =
The basic file navigation is also fine, excellent. =
I write this in one pane on the right and have a list of all the other files in the left bar. All the other files I've opened are along the top. =
One thing I can't find is a "back" button. For example, I've done some editing, think of something that needs to be done to another file, finish that then want to resume with the prior bit of work. =
The collaboration flow seems fine, too, though it needs testing. I work, commit, push/pull. The other person does the same, makes a pull-request. =
We also need to play with pyramids of collaboration. Presumably, these can be done as pyramids of cloning/forking/branches. =
Party1 <----> Party2 =
_____|_____ =
| | =
BusLead LegalLead =
_____|______ ______|______ =
| | | | =
Bus2 Bus3 InHouse Law Firm Lead =
.. .. .. _____|______ =
| | =
.. .. .. Lawyer2 Lawyer3 =
What's involved in getting VSCode to work with Git Repos: =
https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup =
Is there a way to see what remote one is working with? Still unclear. =