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Outline for Legal Conference – MIT Connection Science – October 31, 2018 =
(All is negotiable, provisional, fluid. IACCM session likely should come towards mid-afternoon.) =
1. Placing “legal” in context =
11. Error handling on transactions =
111. Happy path, unhappy path =
112. What does business want from legal? (IACCM) =
12. Governance, democracy and rule of law =
121. What should legal prevent business from getting? =
2. Text Collaboration for Lawyers: =
21. Git, plain text, modularity =
22. Collaboration on a transaction =
221. A transaction “object” =
222. Confidentiality and data security =
23. Collaboration on models – open sourcing the law =
24. Better tools =
3. Knowledge Management for Lawyers =
31. AI/NLP/ML structuring of unstructured information (very quickly, already the most developed field) =
32. AI/NLP/ML guidance for the participant. =
321. Social Physics =
4. Unpacking Blockchains – what they solve, what they aggravate, the solution they point to. =
41. Why “blockchain”? Why not. What else? =
5. Personal Data Stores – why, where, when =
51. Facebook, GDPR, data breaches =
6. Law as Public Good =
61. Global codification =
62. Governance of codification – dangers, opportunities =
7. Impact on Governance – governments, “the firm”, banking =
71. Sustainability =
72. “Intentional” economies =
8. The Future of the Profession =
9. Next Steps =