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Nested Collaboration: =
An inter-business negotiation will often involve a tree of conversations: =
The two parties will have a channel between them, often two or more channels, led by the lead lawyer for each side, by the lead business persons, by the lead technical persons. =
Each of the lead persons will often rely on others within their organization or in outside consultancies (e.g. law firms). =
There will be drafts and proposed modifications made within those internal groups which will be vetted, tweeked, discarded, saved, by the lead. =
And each of these pods of conversation may have sub-pods. The law firm may have a team that works together and only the lead lawyer at the firm directly communicates new materials to the client. Same within engineering, marketing, etc. =
Party1 <----> Party2 =
_____|_____ =
| | =
BusLead LegalLead =
_____|______ ______|______ =
| | | | =
Bus2 Bus3 InHouse Law Firm Lead =
.. .. .. _____|______ =
| | =
.. .. .. Lawyer2 Lawyer3 =
Git enables this kind of nested collaboration. It will be important to do some examples and figure out good practices. =
I currently use an improvised method of nesting git repos. It _might_ be that we should use git submodules instead. https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules =