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UserNote = This is a template of deal terms. It is used in making other agreements. It does not itself render into an agreement. See the TechContracts and the WorldCC versions.
Doc.Ti = Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement for Consulting Discussion
P1. = [G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
P2. = [G/U/Who/quake_incorporated.md]
_P1 = Acme
_P2 = Quake
Law. = [G/U/Place/US/CA/San_Mateo/Menlo_Park/Geo]
Doc.GUID = AcmeQuake-0001
EffectiveDate.YMD = 2020-12-21
CodersNote = Parameters for the TechContracts NDA:
Purpose.cl = to discuss a possible consulting arrangement relating to contract automation
ConfInfo.IdentifyInWriting.Within.days = 5 business days
ConfInfo.Include.Specified.cl = information relating to contracts and contract relations and performance of Acme
Conf.Life.End.YMD = 2021-06-30
Dispute.Forum.cl = the state and federal courts for {Law.County,State}
CodersNote = The WorldCC form asks for somewhat different parameters. Harmonizing the parameters will be an important part of codification/convergence. It should be possible to specify the deal points and to use the termsheet with a variety of form agreements.
Why.sec = The parties wish {Purpose.cl}.
Purpose.Clause = {Purpose.cl}
Conf.Duration.InWords = until {Conf.Life.End.YMD}
Law.Country = {Law.State.the}
ConfInfo.IdentifyInWriting.Within.days = 5 business days
ConfInfo.Include.Specified.cl = information relating to contracts and contract relations and performance of Acme
Dispute.Forum.cl = the state and federal courts for San Mateo County, California
CodersNote = There are no Annexes, Schedules or Attachments for these NDAs.
CodersNote = For the NVCA Confidential Disclosure Agreement (in bio and health they often use "CDA" instead of NDA).
Conf.Life.TimePeriod = 3 years
Financial.Quarter.Current.EndDate.YMD = December 31, 2018
Forum.City = {Law.City}
Annex.Div =