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Ti = What is the size of your team for this project?
0.sec = Select one.
1.prompt = 1 person.
1.comment = Sorry. Neither individuals nor individual LLC’s are eligible for the 100&Change competition.
2.prompt = 2 to 10 people.
2.comment = While small teams are welcome to apply, we encourage you to consider the amount of time and resources required to be competitive. The majority of applicants reported spending over 40 hours completing the prior 100&Change application in 2016. Any Finalists that are selected will be required to complete a range of additional activities, including but not limited to: a detailed revised proposal; in-person meetings and workshops with intermediary organizations; external communications through the MacArthur Foundation (e.g., blogs); and other activities to be defined. Many Finalists from the previous 100&Change program reported that the process was both time and resource intensive. Consider whether you have the capacity to take on the responsibilities of a Finalist.
3.prompt = Over 10 people.
3.comment = Great. However, even though you may have a large team, we encourage you to consider the amount of time and resources required to be competitive. The majority of applicants reported spending over 40 hours completing the prior 100&Change application in 2016. Any Finalists that are selected will be required to complete a range of additional activities, including but not limited to: a detailed revised proposal; in-person meetings and workshops with intermediary organizations; external communications through the MacArthur Foundation (e.g., blogs); and other activities to be defined. Many Finalists from the previous 100&Change program reported that the process was both time and resource intensive. Consider whether you have the capacity to take on the responsibilities of a Finalist.
1. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
2. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
3. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
= [G/Z/ol/s3]