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Ti = What is your organization’s annual operating budget?
0.sec = Select One.
1.prompt = Less than $5 million (USD).
1.comment = We consider applicants of any size, but we have found that organizations often have trouble absorbing and effectively deploying grants that are significantly larger than their current annual operating budgets. We will factor that consideration into the initial administrative review process.
We strongly encourage you to think critically about whether or not your organization would be able to take on such a large amount of capital over only a few years.
2.prompt = More than $5 million (USD).
2.comment = We welcome applicants of any size but have generally found that larger organizations are more likely to effectively absorb and deploy very large grants. While this is not true for all organizations, we encourage you to think critically about whether or not your organization would be able to take on such a large amount of capital over only a few years, particularly if a $100 million (USD) grant would dramatically increase your annual operating budget.
1. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
2. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
= [G/Z/ol/s2]