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1.sec = Thank you for your interest in 100&Change. Before launching the competition this year, we are providing this organizational readiness tool, to help you understand characteristics of the most competitive organizations and proposals. Once we have launched the competition website, you will be provided an interactive version of this survey. We encourage you to use this tool now to consider how well-suited your organization(s) and/or proposal are for this competition.
2.sec = Following each survey question, you will find a series of optional responses. Each response is indicated next to an empty box (❑). As you read through those options, choose the response that is most relevant to your organization(s) or team. Underneath each response, you will find italicized content that will help inform your eligibility and/or level of readiness or competitiveness for 100&Change. We encourage you to read and select an appropriate response to every question. Our goal is to provide this information so that you may better prepare and/or avoid planning to participate, if you are not ready.
3.sec = Last, throughout the organizational readiness tool, we have provided embedded links. Those links are indicated by bold and underlined font. Some of those links are active, while others are not. Any inactive link will become active when the competition is launched.
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