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Ti = The 100&Change Application includes questions about the evidence base for your solution.
0.sec = Which of the following best describes the evidence base related to your project? Select one.
1.prompt = We have a theoretical logic model for our solution, but we have yet to deliver it in the field.
1.comment = The 100&Change competition prioritizes solutions that are currently verifiable. Solutions that are early in their development or evolution without an existing evidence base are unlikely to be competitive. In fact, solutions that are too early in their project timeline and solutions with weak evidence of effectiveness are likely to be screened out of the competition. To understand our approach to reviewing solutions at this stage, you may read this blog post, explaining how similar solutions at this stage were screened during administrative review in 2016.
2.prompt = We (or our partners) are currently delivering this solution, but we do not formally track outcomes or collect beneficiary feedback (as relevant).
2.comment = The 100&Change competition prioritizes solutions that are currently tested, and we view measurement and evaluation as critical elements of testing. Solutions without an existing evidence base are unlikely to be competitive. In fact, solutions with weak evidence of effectiveness are likely to be screened out of the competition. To understand our approach to reviewing solutions at this stage, you may read this blog post, explaining how similar solutions at this stage were screened during administrative review in 2016.
3.prompt = We (or our partners) formally collect and document qualitative feedback, including beneficiary feedback (as relevant).
3.comment = While qualitative feedback is important, the 100&Change competition prioritizes solutions that have more robust evidence of impact, such as an outcomes assessment or formal evaluation.
Solutions without an existing evidence base that demonstrate impact are unlikely to be competitive. In fact, solutions with weak evidence of effectiveness are likely to be screened out of the competition. To understand our approach to reviewing solutions at this stage, you may read this blog post, explaining how similar solutions at this stage were screened during administrative review in 2016.
4.prompt = We (or our partners) routinely collect qualitative and quantitative data to assess our progress.
4.comment = While tracking qualitative and quantitative data is a great first step for assessing a solution, these activities alone are not enough to be able to attribute impact to a particular solution. Solutions without a more robust evidence base are unlikely to be competitive, but we are planning to launch another round of 100&Change within three years and encourage you to apply in the future after conducting a more rigorous outcomes assessment or formal evaluation.
Solutions with insufficient evidence of effectiveness are likely to be screened out of the competition. To understand our approach to reviewing solutions at this stage, you may read this blog post, explaining how similar solutions at this stage were screened during administrative review in 2016.
5.prompt = We (or our partners) have conducted internal evaluations or outcome assessments for programs or pilots related to this project.
5.comment = Great. The 100&Change competition prioritizes solutions that are currently verifiable, so we will ask you to provide greater detail of your evidence base in the Application.
6.prompt = There has been a non-Randomized Control Trial (RCT) for external evaluation or outcomes assessment for programs or pilots related to the project.
6.comment = Great. The 100&Change competition prioritizes solutions that are currently verifiable, so we will ask you to provide greater detail of your evidence base in the Application.
7.prompt = There has been an external assessment of impact (e.g. RCT; quasi-experimental design; contribution analysis; collective impact) for programs or pilots related to this project.
7.comment = Great. The 100&Change competition prioritizes solutions that are currently verifiable. So, we will ask you to provide greater detail of your evidence base in the Application.
1. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
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