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Ti = How much funding do you intend to seek for your project? Select one.
1.prompt = $100 million or more (USD).
1.comment = We intend to make a $100 million (USD) grant through this competition, but there will be space in the Application to denote if your project might need additional funding from other sources.
2.prompt = $90 to $99 million (USD).
2.comment = Applications for amounts under $100 million (USD) will not be considered. Adjust your Application to meet the full required funding amount.
3.prompt = Less than $90 million (USD).
3.comment = Applications for amounts under $100 million (USD) will not be considered. We believe some problems can't be solved by grants of the size that foundations typically provide. According to The Foundation Center, the average size of a foundation grant was about $138,000 in 2012. By funding at a level far above what's typical available in philanthropy, we can address problems and support solutions that are radically different in scale, scope, and complexity. $100 million (USD) is a large enough grant to focus on a serious problem and its solution in a meaningful and lasting way.
1. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
2. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
3. = [G/MacArthur100Change/Widget/CheckBox.md]
= [G/Z/ol/s3]