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Ti = {_Machines} and {_Appliances}
1.sec = A {_Machine} is an {P1.Handle}-branded device including its features, upgrades, and accessories. An {_Appliance} is a {_Program} and {_Machine} combination designed for a particular function. Unless otherwise provided, terms that apply to a {_Program} apply to the {_Program} component of an {_Appliance} and terms that apply to a {_Machine} apply to the {_Machine} component of an {_Appliance}. {P2.Handle} may not use or transfer an {_Appliance}’s {_Program} component independently of the {_Appliance}.
2.sec = When {P1.Handle} accepts {P2.Handle}’s order, {P1.Handle} transfers title to {_Machines} and non-{P1.Handle} machines to {P2.Handle} or {P2.Handle}’s lessor upon payment of all amounts due, except in the United States where title transfers upon shipment. {P1.Handle} bears risk of loss until delivery to the carrier for shipment. {P1.Handle} pays for insurance on {P2.Handle}’s behalf until delivery to {P2.Handle}’s location. {P2.Handle} must report any loss in writing to {P1.Handle} within 10 business days of delivery and follow the claim procedure. Additional charges may apply for {P1.Handle} installation more than six months after shipment. {P2.Handle} must follow instructions provided to install {P2.Handle} set up {_Machines}.
3.sec = {_Machines} and parts removed or exchanged for upgrade, warranty service, or maintenance are {P1.Handle} property and must be returned to {P1.Handle} promptly. A replacement assumes the warranty or maintenance status of the replaced part. A {_Machine} may include parts that are not new and in some instances {_Machines} may have been previously installed. Regardless, {P1.Handle}’s warranty terms apply. {P2.Handle} will promptly install or allow {P1.Handle} to install mandatory engineering changes. {P2.Handle} may only acquire {_Machines} for use within {P2.Handle}’s Enterprise in the country where acquired and not for resale, lease, or transfer. Lease-back financing is permitted.
= [G/Z/ol/s3]