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0.sec = THIS {Ti} (“Agreement”) is made effective as of {EffectiveDate.YMD} between {Employer.Name.Full} (“Employer”) and {Employee.Name.Full} (“Employee”), for {Service.Type.cl} services performed at the property commonly known as {Park.Name.Full}, located at {Park.Adr} (the “Park”).
1.1.Ti = Performance and Duties
1.1.sec = The start date for employment is {StartDate.YMD}. The employee shall carry out, complete and perform all work identified in Section {1.2.Xnum} or as otherwise agreed upon with Employer, in good substantial and workman like manner based on practices which are at least as good as those customarily provided by {Job.Type.cl} of mobilehome or RV parks, apartment complexes and other rental unit properties Additional duties may be added as necessary.
1.2.Ti = List duties, or include as an Exhibit
1.2.sec = ____________________________________
1.3.Ti = Repairs and Alterations
1.3.sec = Except as provided by law, no repairs or alterations shall be done by Employee without Employer’s prior consent. Employee shall hold Employer harmless and indemnify Employer as to any mechanics lien, recordation or proceeding caused by Employee.
1.4.Ti = Authority
1.4.sec = Employee agrees to not commit Employer for any expense except as specifically authorized in writing by Employer.
1.5.Ti = Standards
1.5.sec = Employee agrees that it shall be the duty of Employee at all times during the term of this Agreement to maintain the Park according to standards consistent with the overall plan of the Employer.
1. = [G/Z/ol/5]
2.1.Ti = Time Sheets
2.1.sec = Employee shall use the time sheet form “Time Sheet – Report of Hours Worked” provided by Employer, to accurately record all hours worked on a daily basis. Employee must submit the form to Employer on a {TimeSheet.EntryCycle.cl} basis, specifically on {TimeSheet.EntryCycle.ByWhatDay.cl} of the week, even if no hours have been worked during that period. Failure to accurately comply with this requirement may result in disciplinary action by Employer.
2.2.Ti = On-duty Agreement and Hours and Days of Work
2.2.sec = Because Employee lives on-site, Employee knows and understands that his or her work is mostly unsupervised. Employee acknowledges that he or she is not “working” all the time that he or she is in the Park and that it is difficult for Employer to determine the exact hours Employee actually works because Employee may engage in normal private pursuits such as eating, sleeping, etc., during those periods when Employee is free of employment duties.
Employee agrees that if conditions change so that this Agreement no longer accurately reflects a reasonable estimate of hours worked, he or she will immediately provide notice to Employer, in writing, thereby allowing this Agreement to be revised, if necessary. =
2.3.Ti = Hourly Compensation
2.3.sec = Employee’s full compensation shall be {Comp.PerHour.$} per hour, plus overtime as required by law, for time spent carrying out assigned duties. Employee's cash compensation shall be the total of the hourly rate times the hours worked, minus the Rental Credit. If hours required to carry out assigned duties should exceed {WorkHours.PerDay.hours} in any work day or {WorkHours.PerWeek.hours} in any work week, Employee shall notify Employer prior to performing such services and obtain consent therefore, except in an emergency, when Employee shall notify Employer of additional hours worked within 48 hours. Employee acknowledges and agrees that compensation shall only be afforded for the actual time spent carrying out official assigned duties.
2.4.Ti = Excess Hours
2.4.sec = Employee further acknowledges and agrees that if, during any particular work week and after obtaining advance approval from Employer pursuant to Paragraph {2.3.Xnum}, he or she works more hours than stated in this Agreement, Employee shall record such excess hours on his or her time sheet. Employee agrees that if conditions change so that this Agreement no longer accurately reflects a reasonable estimate of hours worked, he or she will immediately provide notice to Employer, in writing, thereby allowing this Agreement to be revised, if necessary.
2.5.Ti = Rent Credit
2.5.sec = As part of the compensation identified in Section {2.3.Xnum} of this Article, Employee shall have the use of the rental unit known as {RentalUnit.Name} (“Rental Unit”). Employee shall be entitled to a monthly rental credit of {RentalCredit.Monthly.$} for this Rental Unit. If Employee works fewer hours than contemplated in this Agreement, Employee shall still receive the full monthly rental credit of {RentalCredit.Monthly.$}.
2.6.Ti = Utilities
2.6.sec = The utilities including gas, water, electricity, and trash removal {RentalCredit.UtilitiesIncluded.are/are_not} included with the occupancy of the Rental Unit.
2.7.Ti = Employee Status as Occupant of Rental Unit
2.7.sec = Employee acknowledges that Employee is not a tenant or resident of the Park but is an employee for purposes of occupancy of the Rental Unit, provided for his or her employment as an Employee of the Park. Accordingly, if employment of Employee is terminated by either party to this Agreement, the Rent Credit shall immediately cease and the Employee and any other persons occupying the Rental Unit shall vacate the Rental Unit within {RentalUnit.VacateAfterTermination.days} upon termination of employment.
2. = [G/Z/ol/7]
3.sec = Employee shall have days off as designated by Employer. However, Employee and Employer shall arrange the work schedule to provide at least one (1) day off in seven (7) days. The Employee’s designated day(s) off shall be {TimeOff.DesignatedDays.cl}. Employee shall not accumulate said day or days off from week to week.
4.sec = “Hours of Work” shall mean that time actually spent in the performance of work described herein, or such other work as specifically requested by Employer. Hours of work shall not include any time between the times when Employee is actually performing such duties (even if Employee’s residence is in the Park) or any time spent by Employee in personal affairs.
5.1.0.sec = Employee acknowledges that the Rental Unit and rent credit provided by Employer is provided as a condition of employment as Employee. Only Employee’s immediate family member(s) are permitted to occupy the Rental Unit and such occupants must be approved by Employer. The number of total occupants in the Rental Unit may not exceed {RentalUnit.MaxOccupancy.#}. = Names and ages of all familial occupants that will reside in the Rental Unit: = ______________________________________________________________ ( __ ) = ______________________________________________________________ ( __ ) = ______________________________________________________________ ( __ )
5.1.1. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
5.1.2.sec = By initialing above, Employee and all familial occupants acknowledge that any such occupants do not possess any rights of tenancy at the Park, whatsoever. Furthermore, Employee and all familial occupants acknowledge that the Rental Unit is being provided to Employee as a condition of employment as an Employee of the Park. Upon termination of this Agreement by either Employee or Employer, {RentalUnit.VacateAfterTermination.RemoveRV.cl} all occupants shall vacate the Rental Unit within {RentalUnit.VacateAfterTermination.days} of the notice of termination. The Names and initials of each person that will reside in the Rental Unit are as follows:
5.1.3.sec = Upon the termination of this Agreement by either party, Employee agrees to turn over to Employer all keys, books of account or records of any kind pertaining to the Park, unless otherwise demanded by Employer.
5.1. = [G/Z/ol-a/s3]
5.2.sec = Illegal possession of the Rental Unit by the Employee and any familial occupants after the time permitted in Section {5.1.2.Xnum} of this Article {5.Xnum} shall be considered a holdover tenant and may be terminated in accordance with the provisions of the law. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as consent by Employer to any holdover of the Rental Unit by Employee or any occupants.
5. = [G/Z/ol/s2]
6.1.Ti = At-will Employment
6.1.sec = Employee acknowledges that the employment contemplated by this Agreement is at-will and may be terminated at any time by either party with or without cause.
6.2.Ti = Termination of Rent Credit
6.2.sec = Because rent credit is provided as a condition of employment, upon termination of this Agreement by either Employer or Employee, the rent credit shall immediately cease. Employee agrees to vacate the Rental Unit and cause any other occupants to vacate the Rental Unit within {RentalUnit.VacateAfterTermination.days} upon termination of employment Employee of the Park.
6. = [G/Z/ol/2]
7.sec = No portion of the Rental Unit shall be sublet, nor may Employee assign any part of this Agreement. Any attempted subletting or assignment by Employee shall, at the election of the Employer, be an immediate breach of this Agreement and cause for immediate termination as provided herein and by law.
8.sec = Any dispute, controversy or question of interpretation arising under, out of, in connection with or in relation to this Agreement, or any amendments hereof, or any breach or default hereunder or in connection with the operation of the Park shall be submitted to, determined, and settled by arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules of JAMS arbitration in {Arbitration.Seat.County}, California, then in effect. Any award rendered therein shall be final and binding on both the Employer and Employee, and judgment may be entered thereon in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The prevailing party shall recover, in addition to all other relief, reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees, whether or not the action proceeds to judgment.
9.sec = This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
10.sec = Employee acknowledges that Employee is subject to Employer’s superintending control over the management of the Park, and that Employer may restrict Employee’s authority to act in any manner otherwise permitted hereunder or required hereby, and Employee shall promptly submit to and abide by any such restriction.
11.sec = Employee attests that he or she has entered into this Agreement voluntarily and has been given the opportunity to seek the advice of counsel prior to signing this Agreement.
00.0.sec = IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands effective as of {EffectiveDate.YMD}.
00.1.sec = {Employee.Sign.Block}
00.2.sec = {Employer.Sign.Block}
00. = [G/Z/ol/s2]
= [G/Z/ol/11]
1.Xnum = 1
1.2.Xnum = {1.Xnum}.2
2.Xnum = 2
2.3.Xnum = {2.Xnum}.3
5.Xnum = 5
5.1.Xnum = {5.Xnum}.1
5.1.2.Xnum = {5.1.Xnum}(b)