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Ti = Sustainable Development
1.Ti = Protection of the Environment
1.1.sec = If {_Manufacturer} owns and operates any manufacturing facilities, the {_Manufacturer} shall develop environmental action plans that promote the reduction of risks of accidents, the reduction of consumption of water and energy, the management of emissions and waste, the restriction of noise and odors and the integration of the sites with the environment.
1.2.sec = If applicable, the {_Manufacturer} undertakes to establish and to comply with programs for the recycling of its products pursuant to {_Applicable_Law}.
1. = [G/Z/ol-a/s2]
2.Ti = Compliance with Labor Practices
2.1.sec = In addition to the local labor regulations that are applicable to it, the {_Manufacturer} undertakes to comply with the conventions of the International Labor Organization, notably as regards the minimum age and child labor, trade union freedom, the right of organization and collective bargaining, against forced or compulsory labor, for the equality of remuneration between men and women, against all discrimination in employment, working hours and the minimum wage.
2.2.sec = The {_Manufacturer} undertakes to implement its labor policy in all the countries where it is present and shall take any action to have it implemented by its own Related Companies and Subcontractors.
2. = [G/Z/ol-a/s2]
= [G/Z/ol/2]