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Mutual.sec = {Purpose.Sen} {Disclose.Mutual.Sen} {DefineParties.Mutual.Sen}
P1-to-P2.sec = {Purpose.Sen} {Disclose.P1-to-P2.Sen} {DefineParties.P1-to-P2.Sen}
P2-to-P1.sec = {Purpose.Sen} {Disclose.P2-to-P1.Sen} {DefineParties.P2-to-P1.Sen}
Purpose.Sen = The {_parties} expect to {Purpose.cl} (the "{DefT.Purpose}").
Disclose.Mutual.Sen = In that connection, they anticipate disclosing {_Confidential_Information} to one another.
Disclose.P1-to-P2.Sen = In that connection, they anticipate that {P1.Handle} will disclose {_Confidential_Information} to {P2.Handle}.
Disclose.P2-to-P1.Sen = In that connection, they anticipate that {P2.Handle} will disclose {_Confidential_Information} to {P1.Handle}.
DefineParties.Mutual.Sen = With respect to any item of {_Confidential_Information} disclosed by a {_party} to any other {_party}, the {_party} disclosing {_Confidential_Information} is deemed a {_Disclosing_Party} and the {_party} receiving such information is deemed a {_Receiving_Party}.
DefineParties.P1-to-P2.Sen = {P1.Handle} is the {_Disclosing_Party} and {P2.Handle} is the {_Receiving_Party}.
DefineParties.P2-to-P1.Sen = {P2.Handle} is the {_Disclosing_Party} and {P1.Handle} is the {_Receiving_Party}.